Having too many inquiries on your credit report can negatively impact your credit score. An inquiry occurs when a lender or creditor requests to view your credit report as part of the process of considering you for a loan or credit card. Each inquiry is recorded on your credit report and can remain there for up to two years. If a large number of inquiries are made in a short period of time, it can indicate that you are taking on a lot of new debt, which can be a red flag to lenders and creditors. Additionally, if you are denied credit or offered a higher interest rate as a result of having too many inquiries, it can also be an indication that you are a higher-risk borrower.
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For a FREE credit consultation with J. Just text #HelpMe to 833.524.7800. Let's get you on my calendar so we can talk about your situation.
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✅ About J. Woodfin:
I'm going to teach you the Kredit game! So if you're having trouble understanding credit...Don't Worry...As Usual...I Gotchu! C'mon! 😉 IYKYK
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For a FREE credit consultation with J. Just text #HelpMe to 833.524.7800. Let's get you on my calendar so we can talk about your situation.
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© J.Woodfin
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