In this 1 hour teaching, I will explain to you 7 principles of Bible Interpretation. For example, can you obey this command from Jesus? Did Jesus really command you to hate your spouse & parents?
Luke 14:26 New King James Version 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
Jesus did not meant hating our parents or children. Jesus was using a HYPERBOLE. What is a HYPERBOLE? It is over-exaggerating something to emphasize it's importance. If this verse really meant literally hating our parents, it would mean Jesus had asked us to contradict His other commandments.
Jesus used many HYPERBOLE and if we don't understand this, it is impossible to understand His teachings or obey His command.
Only when we understand His commands, then we can become doers. Only when we become doers, our house will be built on rocks, no storms shall affect us.
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