This is a fingertip-sized 7-segment display, so cute! we're driving it here directly with gpio pins from a qtpy samd21 chip, which, according to the internet is Not Something One Does - you're supposed to use an lcd segment driver or at least a chip with built in peripheral. and we sorta see why - there's a little ghosting from how we're driving the segments, even though we're doing our best to depower between common-pin swaps. still, its legible and allows for quick testing. this appnote came in handy to show how the 'ac' waveform is generated: [ Ссылка ] one fun thing to learn is it isn't 7-segments-plus-3-commons, but rather 6-segement-select-plus-4-common with a bit of multiplexing thrown in!
#adafruit #lcd #display
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very smol seven segment LCD display
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