The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated various projects worth over Rs 3900 crore to the nation in Modhera, Mehsana, today. The Prime Minister also declared the village of Modhera as India’s first 24x7 solar-powered village.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said that today marks the origination of new energy in the field of development for Modhera, Mehsana and the entire North Gujarat. The Prime Minister said that multiple projects ranging from electricity and water to railways and roadways, from dairy to skill development and health have been inaugurated or the foundation stone has been laid. Laying down the benefits, the Prime Minister said that these projects will become a source of employment in the region, and help in increasing the income of farmers and people in the field of animal husbandry, while also giving a boost to heritage tourism in the state.
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