The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday issued an orange alert for the Saurashtra and Kutch coasts of Gujarat in view of Cyclone Biparjoy. The extremely severe cyclonic storm weakened into a very severe cyclonic storm early on Tuesday. Cyclone Biparjoy is likely to cross the Jakhau Port area by the evening of June 15. Till now, 8,000 people have been evacuated and moved to safer locations in Kachchh. Tourists and the local population are not allowed to visit Gomti Ghat, Shivrajpur beach, Bet Dwarka and other places along the coast. Fishermen in the area have been warned to stay away from the coast for five days. The North Western Railway (NWR) has cancelled some train services as the cyclonic storm ‘Biparjoy’ is likely to enter southwest Rajasthan on June 16, officials said on Monday.
#cyclone2023 #CycloneBiparjoy #biparjoycyclone #mumbai #gujrat #kutch #amitshah #akshitanandagopal #6pmprime
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