LLC vs Corporation: LLC vs S Corp, LLC vs C Corp California: What is the difference for businesses or real estate investments? 👉 Book a Call at [ Ссылка ] for expert financial planning advice and estate planning attorneys with business savvy.
What’s the best structure for your business or real estate investments—a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation? Which best fits your needs and offers the most solid asset protections and tax advantages? What’s the optimum way to limit personal liability? Do you want the simplest and most flexible structure to protect your personal assets or should you consider a more complex structure? Watch this legal webinar by an expert estate planning attorney for a deep dive into the pros and cons, along with the key factors you must consider when making this vital business decision!
00:00 Introduction to LLC vs Corporation: Which Is Best for My Business?
02:08 What is an LLC Limited Liability Coompany?
07:10 LLC Taxes: Options
13:37 What is a Corporation?
17:50 Two ways to tax corporations
20:14 S Corp and S Corp Taxes
25:45 C Corp and C Corp Taxes
30:13 When to use an LLC: LLCs for various investments
39:56 LLCs and Corporations do not play well together
40:52 Care and Feeding for your Business Entity
42:45 Another Option: Do Not Register
44:35 Bonus Estate Planning Tip: Make sure your Living Trust has S Corp Provisions
45:52 Getting a financial A-Team and Outro
For more info on California real estate investing with an llc, click here: [ Ссылка ]
To watch this video on our website, click here: [ Ссылка ]
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for Advanced Tax Planning, California Living Trusts, Estate Planning, and Trust Administration.
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