In this video, Billybob discusses a hot take that the under-leveled card issue in Clash Royale makes Clash Royale players bad. The reasoning is because to get through mid ladder, you have to play low skill cards to make it through like the mega knight, witch, and wizard. Since you are using these card that are really easy to use that won't bring you longer term success, you are going to get stuck in the midladder trophy range in Clash Royale. Since you can only upgrade a single deck when you first start Clash Royale, you have to choose a deck that will both help you get through midladder but also help you in the long term. The issue is many of the best decks in Clash Royale that you can play at top ladder, are most likely going to struggle against the mega knight, witch, and wizard because you don't have to worry about playing them that often because they are bad cards in Clash Royale. This means that the deck you upgrade has to be good in both trophy ranges in Clash Royale. The take presented is kind of true, but Clash Royale players should not use this as an excuse to not try and get better at Clash Royale. Clash Royale is not rigged and is more skill based than many Clash Royale players think. Yes, matchups definitely matter, but they aren't as big of a deal as many thing.
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Hot Take: Card Levels Make You Bad at Clash Royale
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