A full guide on how to 100% complete the Punika Adventurer's Tome in Lost Ark.
Total Silver required to complete all cooking recipes: 2,069,600 (2,006,000 of which is due to cooking 2/7)
Points required to max out all Rapport NPC's: 272,900
All collectibles are dropped from ALL enemies (normal, elite, boss) in Punika. There are also some quests that give out some of the more common collectibles in small quantities. Collectibles can also be traded on the Auction House. If you want to farm these, pick any spot with enemies and be prepared to grind for multiple hours. Enemies respawn very quickly, so it doesn't have to be a crowded spot. Bosses and dungeons might have a higher chance of dropping collectibles, but that's unconfirmed.
Tideshelf Path
00:00 VISTA 1/10 - Someone's Room
00:19 VISTA 2/10 - Surfing Area
00:34 COOKING 1/7 - Starsand Cocktail
02:37 MONSTER 1/15 - Lava Scorpion
02:52 MONSTER 2/15 - Ruthless Tacutuca
Nia Village
03:07 VISTA 3/10 - Village Panorama
03:23 HIDDEN STORY 1/7 - Welcome to the Lailai Festival!
04:33 VISTA 4/10 - Albion Altar
04:48 HIDDEN STORY 2/7 - Lost Item: The Parcel
06:17 RAPPORT 1/8 - Nagi
06:56 RAPPORT 2/8 - Jahara
07:14 RAPPORT 3/8 - Liru
07:31 RAPPORT 4/8 - Berver
10:06 RAPPORT 5/8 - Albion
10:23 RAPPORT 6/8 - Hariya
10:42 RAPPORT 7/8 - Nia
10:59 RAPPORT 8/8 - Shana
Starsand Beach
11:16 MONSTER 3/15 - Lunatic Slaughterer
11:31 MONSTER 4/15 - Elite Moguro Swordfighter
11:50 VISTA 5/10 - Inath Cliff
12:04 MONSTER 5/15 - Sea Barnacle
12:20 VISTA 6/10 - Hot Springs
12:36 ANOTHER STORY 1/2 - Very Old Story
13:51 MONSTER 6/15 - Volcanic Ash Monkey
14:22 HIDDEN STORY 3/7 - Dairy Washed Ashore
TikaTika Colony
14:52 VISTA 7/10 - Flower Garden
15:07 COOKING 2/7 - Kaloa Boar BBQ
17:03 COOKING 3/7 - Wild Banana Bread
18:31 COOKING 4/7 - Flower Salad
19:55 COOKING 5/7 - Steamed Papu Crab
20:33 MONSTER 7-8/15 - Lunatic Gladiator & Deadly Flesh
20:52 MONSTER 9/15 - Arrogant Monkey
21:09 ANOTHER STORY 2/2 - Chaos Is Lifting
21:49 MONSTER 10/15 - Sleek Harpy
22:05 MONSTER 11/15 - Raging Tree Elemental
22:22 VISTA 8/10 - Giant Statue
Secret Forest
22:38 VISTA 9/10 - Swamp
22:53 COOKING 6/7 - Meat Bug
24:02 MONSTER 12/15 - Sand Mantis
24:18 MONSTER 13/15 - Forest Watcher
24:35 VISTA10/10 - Ancient Ruins
24:50 MONSTER 14/15 - Mad Woopir
25:20 MONSTER 15/15 - Suspicious Music Box
Multiple regions
25:41 COOKING 7/7 - Punika Festival's Dish
27:54 HIDDEN STORY 4/7 - Flower of the Festival
28:36 HIDDEN STORY 5/7 - Fantastic Duo
29:34 HIDDEN STORY 6/7 - What Awakened in the Forest
30:32 HIDDEN STORY 7/7 - On the Origins of Punika
31:42 BOSS - Moake
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