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* "Música Clásica en Modos Griegos" es una innovadora forma de reinterpretar esta maravillosa música compuesta por los grandes maestros (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven Chopin, etc.), versionándola en los modos griegos modernos, también conocidos como "modos gregorianos o eclesiáticos": jónico, dórico, frigio, lidio, mixolidio, eólico y locrio.
"Classical Music in Greek Modes" is an innovative way of reinterpreting this wonderful music composed by the great masters (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven Chopin, etc.), versioning it in modern Greek modes, also known as "Gregorian or ecclesiastical modes": Ionic, Doric, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian.
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(Activate the bell below the video, to the right of the subscription option, and you will receive all the notifications from this channel).
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