Being Physical in Soccer & How to Foul in Soccer
Why the Messi Body Feint is so Effective: [ Ссылка ]
-Soccer Defending Book: [ Ссылка ]
In this video we cover how to be aggressive in soccer by using the best bodying in soccer.
1. In a game, the referee will hardly ever call a foul on you if your arms are up and against an opponent. The trick for how to play good defense in soccer here is to not grab them or have your hands on them. At a young age, they teach you to keep your arms by your side. However, if the referee is not going to call your arms being up in a game, then use this to your advantage.
Extend your elbow and your shoulder to engage with them. It is crucial that you make yourself look bigger because it makes it harder for the opposing player to travel around you. Having your arms up will make it easier for you to place your forearm against their body and use your shoulder muscle to keep them away from the ball. When you watch professional defenders, they tend to use their hands and arms a lot because, in most situations, the referee will not call anything against them. Notice in the image how the girl in red is pushing the attacker off balance, which will result in a terrible pass.
2. Which Defender are you? Well consider these soccer defense techniques for beginners. As a defender, you will often find yourself as the only player left between the attacker and an easy shot on your goalkeeper. Therefore, it is essential to know when to lunge for the ball and when to continue to backpedal while expecting your teammates to sprint back in order to help stop the person attacking. As a rule of thumb, if it is a 1v1 situation with just you standing between the attacker and the goal, then backpedal to wait for an opportunity to block their shot while also attempting to push them towards a sideline with your body positioning. Unless you are 100% sure that if you lunge for the ball, you will succeed in kicking it away or taking possession, you should avoid lunging in for the ball. This is key because if you miss the ball, the attacker will quickly dribble around you and have a breakaway against the keeper.
3. Lunging in changes your body's momentum? When jockeying (backpedaling and keeping the defender in front of you), your momentum is going in the same direction as the attacker. Both bodies are moving towards your own goal. However, lunging/reaching in for the ball changes your body’s momentum from going backward to going forward. Changing your momentum is significant because if you miss the ball, you will need to come to a complete stop and then need to start running again hoping that you can quickly accelerate to a sprint and recover from your mistake. This rarely happens; instead, the attacker takes an easy shot during their breakaway. Therefore, in 1v1 situations, look to react based on the attacker’s move. If they attempt to shoot the ball, make sure you block it. If they try to dribble, force them to their weak foot and push them towards the sideline to decrease the angle they have to approach the net.
4. However, when you have more teammates alongside you and behind you, it is appropriate to reach in for the ball because even if you miss, your teammates will support you and help to cover for your mistake. In this case, lunging in with the intention to steal the ball is an acceptable risk that can start a counterattack while the other team’s defense has not yet established their shape to defend properly. Remember that this is a general rule and specific situations will differ. Therefore, it is necessary to develop both your skills and ability to judge the situation.
5. Know When to Foul - In soccer, there are certain instances when it is acceptable to foul, although it is never advisable to tell someone to hurt an opposing player intentionally. A tactical foul is appropriate when your team is slow to get back to defend and the other team has more attackers than your team has defenders behind the ball. In this instance, a tactical foul to stop the play may be appropriate. Though yellow cards are not fun to obtain, in reality, they are just a warning.
Pro-Tip on how to be aggressive in soccer: Be physical and use your judgment while defending to determine what works best in each situation for you. Understand that there are times to commit to stealing the ball and times to wait for the attacker to act. The better the attacker, the more you should respect their foot skills and position yourself to avoid being outskilled by them.
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Being Physical in Soccer & How to Foul in Soccer
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