Hi guys!
This video is to inspire and encourage not just fellow wedding and live events freelancers but everyone who are greatly affected with this crisis. Its been a struggle for everyone specially those who work in the field. In this video, you will learn what to expect once you decide to pursue online freelancing either part time or full time. This is not just limited to Upwork but for every web-based freelancing jobs online.
When I was starting few weeks back, I've watched a bunch of negative and positive feedback about Upwork and online freelancing in general. However, it didn't affect the way I see the opportunity online. Somehow, it depends on the individual on how he/she cope up with the challenge. YES, it is really hard. In fact, there is no easy way to earn money unless you are doing it the wrong way or it involves great risk.
Disclaimer: What I've earned in this video is not to brag about it but to give you an idea that earning online is possible as long as you have the will power to learn and overcome the odds.
#upwork #videoediting #onlinefreelancing
How I made $200 in my First week on UPWORK
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