MassIV Ruta, Norway - 350 km northbound from Haukeliseter to Sota Sæter
Part 2: Skarvheimen
Part 2 of my adventure in Norway. This is the part when I started encountering terrain that was very difficult to walk in. I was very slow and got scared that I would brake an ankle in the slippery boulder fields. That it took me such a long time for a few kilometers really started weighing on my morale and hikers coming from the other direction, telling me how awful it was further up north didn't help either. I have to admit, I very nearly quit. It is such a thin line making a decision that is right for you, especially if you are walking alone. Luckily my stubbornness kicked in and the cloudberries helped a lot too! :)
Acoustic Motivation - Coma Media
In the Forest - Lesfm
Morning Garden - Royal Music
Smell of Travel - Royal Music
MassIV Ruta - Part 2 - August 2022
norwegennorwaymassiv rutadntdnt oslo og omegnthru hikehaukeliseternorthboundHellvassbuLitlosSandhaugStigstuvKrækkjaFinseFinsehyttaHardangerviddaSota SæterPlex SoloultralightZpacksmassiv trailhikingtrekkingSkarvheimenGeiterygghyttaKongshellerenIungsdalshyttaBjordalsbuSkarvheimSulebuSlettningsbuFondsbuMassiv Trail