This is a music video for the song "The Man Comes Around" By Johnny Cash which I made as an early college project at Exeter college. This was my first real time filmmaking
I Do Not Own The Song, All Rights Go To The Original Creators. For Educational Purposes Only. No Infringement Intended.
I chose the song because it was the first thing that came into my head when my tutor said go and make a music video, I am a massive fan of Johnny Cash's work. His massively powerful and haunting lyrics and voice in this song makes it probably my favourite of all.
I wanted this to be open to interpretation, similar to the lyrics but I did make it to symbolise my understanding of the lyrics in a narrative form. Tell me your interpretation in the comments!
The main performer is my Grandfather, Brian Sellers who I think works really for this.
The rest of the cast are my cousin, Lucy Dickinson and brother, Thomas Sellers.
This was all shot on a Canon 5d mark III with the Canon 50mm f1.8 on no budget using whatever I could around me.
I Edited in Premier pro with the help of After Effects and Cinema4D for visual effects. For the shot where the apple turns to gold I 3D tracked the shot in C4D and reconstructed it in 3D. I used a 3D apple model with a gold texture, made to fit over the existing apple, I composited the apple in AE using an ink element stock footage as an alpha matte to make transition from normal to gold.
Software used:
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Maxon Cinema 4D
Adobe Photoshop
The Man Comes Around Music video Johnny Cash
Johnny CashThe Man Comes AroundBibleGoldGobletwinemusicmusic videogodapocalypsejudgement daygenisisrevalationsJohnnyCashguitar12 string guitarcountry and western4 hoursmenbiblejesusjudgementdayend of the worldhurtwalk the liewalk the linefilmakingfilmakercanon 5deditingCrossChurchGraveGraveyardRosesRedbloodcinema 4DAfter EffectsPremier ProTwixtor