Primer dobre prakse - Pahernikova ustanova
Good practice example - Pahernik Foundation
SL: Delovanje Pahernikove ustanove je v prvi vrsti namenjeno razvoju sonaravnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi in napredku gozdarskih ved. Pomemben del poslanstva je vezan tudi na ekonomsko uspešnost, zato ustanova uravnava razvojne procese v gozdu tako, da trajno dosega zastavljene optimalne gozdnogospodarske cilje.
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EN: The activities of the Pahernik Foundation are mainly intended to develop sustainable forest management and forestry science. An important part of their mission is also bound to the economic success. For this reason, the foundation adjusts development processes so that they continually achieve the set forest management objectives.
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Pripravila/Prepared by: Miha Pustavrh, Žiga Smrekar
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