my spiritual awakening changed everything chosen ones spiritual awakening
10 extra-ordinary signs you are experiencing a spiritual awakening |Chosen ones
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biblicalmeaning#wakeup3AM##FascinatingTVspirituawakening#oneschosen #Why highly spiritual chosen ones are affected by these 10 things#highly evolved chosen ones#chosenones#Fascinating TV#spiritualawekening#spirituality##waking up at 3am biblical meaning#Spiritual Gift#SlightlyBetter#spirituality#enlightenment#3AM wake up#Master Sri Akarshana#spirirtuallygifted#chosenones#10extraordinarysigns#of#spiritual#awakening#people#society#new age,spirit#peoplewithspiritualgift#People with spiritual gift are affected by these 10 things#Gift spiritual#areaffectedby#these#10things#spiritualgifts#giftspiritual#God#spirit#biblicalmeaning#highlyevolved#highlyenlightened#3AM#3:30AM#4AM#divinehour#witchhour#chosen#0friends#higherconconsciousness#misunderstanding#misunderstand#haters#howtodealwithhaters#consciousness
Hallo powerful galactic beings, welcome back to another video. Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. These are the Torch-Bearers of Humanity, its Poets, Seers, and Saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, towards the Light. They are the lawgivers and the Saviors, the Light-Bringers, Way-Showers and Truth-Tellers, and without them, Humanity would Lose its way in the Dark. Powerful beings of light, it is time now to release the past, and to know that a new history is about to begin, indeed, has already begun. This new history will not be governed by the conflicts generated by the need for survival and the difficulties doing so. It will not be governed by the competitiveness and desire for acquisition of one above others that has so characterized the tenor of modern society. Rather, the new history that shall be written shall be a love poem to the unity of man, and shall in all ways reflect the changed consciousness that each shall carry concerning his or her relationship to the whole. The new history shall embark upon the waters of conciliation, and shall find means of engendering cooperation among all who need to come together to resolve problems, end disputes, and find new solutions to the common collective issues that beset all nations and all peoples. It will be a time of cooperation rather than undermining and competition, and those who are most truly capable of sensing their oneness with all will be the representatives of mankind to the bodies that govern mankind, for they will be charged with making policy in the best interests of all.
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