Every year my mom and I make a trip together. Bustrip, citytrip, we even took a plaine to Mallorca last year! This year we decided to go the eastern Germany near the Tjech border with Bolderman reizen. August 19 - 23.
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Bustrip to Bayerisch Eisenstein
beierenoost duitslandeastern germanygermanyvlogvacation vlogpersonal vlogvloggerday in the lifevacationbolderman reizenbustripDAS GLASDORFWeinfurtnerglass villageglass blowingsculpturesbaumwipfelpfadtreetop patchbayerischer waldPassauVeste oberhausDreiflusseckDonauKirche St. MichaelSaint GiselaDom St. StephanchurchaltstadtswimmingKolibrievlinderstreammushroombitcreativemystic moodsilse ten broeke