2020 HBSD Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Due to Covid-19 and the Mandate for schools to be shuttered to keep people from gathering, our scholarship assembly was held on Zoom on May 14, 2020.
We have a VERY giving community who have given over $45,000 to our deserving graduates and alumni. Special thanks to all the community organizations represented here at the ceremony including:
Uglys of Haines
Barbara Campbell Memorial Scholarship - Haines Sportsman Association
Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 5
New Hope Fellowship
Haines Women's Club
DIPAC Ladd Macaulay Memorial Scholarship
Chilkat Valley Community Foundation
American Legion Lynn Canal Post
Lynn Canal Conservation Scholarship
Haines School Staff/Haines Educational Association
Delta Western
Frank and Ramona Holmes Scholarship
American Legion Auxiliary Club
William Sieg
Haines Volunteer Fire Department
2020 HBSD Scholarship Award Ceremony
haineshighschoolglacierbearsuglys of hainesbarbara campbellmemorial scholarshipAlaska Native SisterhoodNew Hope FellowshipHaines Women's ClubChilkat Valley Community FoundationAmerican Legion Lynn Canal PostHaines School StaffUniversity of Alaska ScholarsDelta WesternConstantineNSRAAWilliam SiegHaines Volunteer Fire Departmentmoneyfree money