WZRD News: 8/6/2024
Supporting Victims of Crime: Crime Victim Compensation
A violent crime can have a lasting impact and can bring changes that one might not expect.
The Office of the Attorney General of Illinois Kwame Raoul initiated legislation that created the Crime Victims Compensation Act.
This law reserved resources to help those whose lives were interrupted by a violent crime.
This financial assistance could include offsetting costs related to:
Accessibility and Usability of Property
Crime-Scene Clean Up
Funeral/Burial Expenses
Loss of Earnings
Medical, Hospital and Dental Expenses
Mental Health Counseling Expenses
Relocation Costs
Replacement Costs
Tuition Expenses
The Illinois Crime Victims Compensation Program offers reimbursement up to $45,000 ($27,000 for crimes before 8/7/22) for expenses incurred by eligible victims as a result of a violent crime.
If you or someone you love has been impacted by a violent crime, please call the toll-free Crime Victims Assistance Line at 800-228-3368 for more information.
You can also apply for compensation online.
The Attorney General’s Office encourages all victims of violent crime to complete the Crime Victim Compensation Program application at
While the program is limited to certain eligibility requirements, there is a broad range of circumstances that can be considered.
Musical accompaniment:
Suzanne Pittson - Blues and the Abstract Truth and The Secret Life of Plants - Emerge Dancing with Jeff Pittson
Airing at 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, and 11 PM (CST), unless preempted by Wizards or deejays.
Listen: WZRD Chicago 88.3 FM.
Livestream: www.wzrdchicago.org
#wzrd #wzrdchicago #chicago #wzrdnews #illinois #supportingvictimsofcrime #crimevictimcompensation #violentcrime #OfficeoftheAttorneyGeneralofIllinois Kwame Raoul #CrimeVictimsCompensationAct #financialassistance #AccessibilityandUsabilityofProperty #CrimeSceneCleanUp #FuneralBurialExpenses #LossofEarnings #MedicalHospitalandDentalExpenses #ReplacementCosts #MentalHealthCounselingExpenses #RelocationCosts #TuitionExpenses #IllinoisCrimeVictimsCompensationProgram #CrimeVictimsAssistanceLine
Producer: Bill Morton
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