Air Force officers wish to remind Phillp “Bing” Cimino the he was “sworn to uphold the constitution and not relieved of this duty.” Had he been “in uniform and acted this way he would have received a night in the brig and an automatic dishonorable discharge.” They thanked Chief Reed for stopping Cimino’s and point out his mistake was not disrobing Cimino and throwing him out of the Fire Department.
I explained to Military Brass that Cimino is the Mayor of Mount Carmel. Military Brass stated “The borough council members should immediately “impeach Cimino” and bar him from hold any public office for life.” “If any member of the Mount Carmel Borough Council was in the military it is their duty.”
"Cimino is allowed to talk about his time in the U.S. Air Force just not about classified mission. Cimino was only a payload specialist."
Cimino is "a disgrace to all those who served and died for this country." General Colin Powell 1937 - 2021), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–93), Secretary of State (2001–05).
Attempting to be courteous to the accident victim and local police department by taking pictures of the damaged vehicle for the accident victim insurance, which I have done many times in the past for many years, but the Mayor Cimino began acting hostile and we decided to leave without taking the rest of the pictures. So now the victim has to do their own photographs. Even after respecting the victim's request to not take professional pictures of her son who was a minor. Yes the police received 2 photographs instead of the normal 20.
Note to Chief Reed
Chief Reed
Thank you for intervening when Mayor Cimino went off on me for taking the legally pictures at the accident scene earlier today. I was planning on giving the photographs to the accident victim for free, as I have done for years, but since he went off I ceased to take pictures. But regardless, I live streamed his outburst so that everyone is aware of him. This was the second time today Trevor attempted to intimidate me, the first being the fire police incident on the Viaduct at approximately 4:00, when I was only in the area to test out the range for my camera and practice manual focusing. So thank you for helping stand up for me against those two. I am glad I could count on good people like you to be by my side when I need them.
It should also be noted the reason Mayor Cimino is upset about photography in the borough is because his Fire Department was nailed by the PA Department of Labor for child abuse by using minors as young as 12 to fight fires during all hours of the night. Mayor Cimino believes that he has the authority to ban all photography to protect his friends in the future.
Only by shining a bright light in every dark corner can on those who willingly bring down our department reputation can one hope to change the culture of intimidation and harassment.
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20180430 Mayor Cimino goes off on a news photographer
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