In tvN’s highly awaited romantic comedy drama "No Gain No Love," Shin Min-ah stars as Son Hae-yeong, who orchestrates a fake wedding to secure a promotion at work, while Kim Young-dae plays Kim Ji-uk, a kind-hearted convenience store worker who reluctantly agrees to pose as her fake husband, leading to a comedic and heartwarming journey as Hae-yeong stages the wedding to reclaim lost funds, with Ji-uk’s bemused reaction adding depth to their evolving relationship, and Han Ji-hyun appears as Nam Ja-yeon, a web novelist penning steamy romance under the pseudonym Yeon Bo-ra, whose life changes when she crosses paths with Bok Gyu-hyun, played by Lee Sang-yi, a chaebol heir whose secret admiration for her novels ignites a magnetic connection blending his serious nature with her hidden romantic dreams.
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