Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)/Rio Tinto Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in Climate Change and Water Security at UNBC was established to better understand and quantify the roles of climate variability, climate change, and water management on the long term water security of the Nechako Watershed.
The training of graduate and undergraduate students is central to the objectives of the IRC. Students featured in the video are: Kelly Hurley, who led the planning, preparations, and execution of the fall 2021 TRARE field campaign; Anna Kaveney was recruited in September 2021 as another research skills trainee to to assist with data quality assessment and control and MSc student Emile Cardinalf from the Université du Québec à Montréal have led their expertise and support.
Tahtsa Ranges Atmospheric River Experiment - The Fieldwork
UNBCbest universityUniversity Of Northern British Columbia (College/University)british columbiacanadaSFUUBCUniversity Of British Columbia (College/University)Simon Fraser University (College/University)VancouverBCuniversitiesCanada (Country)Canadianwestnorthern british columbiamclean'smaclean'suniversityTRUVIUatmospheric riversclimate changeweather modellingresearchclimate reearchstephen deryRio Tintofieldworknechako