How Heavy Can the Orange Micro Terror Get
Today, let's see just how heavy the Orange Micro Terror can get. This little amp packs a big punch with 20 watts of solid state power behind it while giving you creamy saturated tube sounds using a single 12AX7 tube in it's preamp. The Orange Micro Terror gives you the best of both worlds, the reliability and low maintenance of solid state, and the beautiful tones of the tube world. This beast can do it all, clean, distorted, and metal. It has a brighter mid friendly sound to it that gives you more of a JCM800 feel and sound to it. How heavy can the Orange Micro Terror get? Pretty Heavy, think late 80s heavy. Combine this with an OD and double track this beast and you have a very solid metal tone for almost any guitar heavy genre.
How Heavy Can the Orange Micro Terror Get
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