William Blake (b. London, 1757-1827) created a profound body of visual and literary art between the late 18th and early 19th centuries. But as is often the case with vanguard visionaries, many of his peers dismissed his unusual contributions. Today we celebrate the London-born, Romantic-era poet, painter, and engraver, whose sublime creative intuition was largely overlooked during his lifetime.
EDIT: Neoclassicism is best summed up by its idealism, not realism! 😅
Several Circles is comprised of two loved up art professionals (and their cat, Jimmy) living and working in New York. Here, we tell the stories of extraordinary artists from history and the contemporary day. Written and hosted by Rachel, an art writer and editor. Produced by Jason, a gallery operations director.
Know the Artist: William Blake
william blakeblakeartart historyhistoryart educationeducationpaintingetchingpoetryLondonEnglandenglish artliteratureromanticromanticismromantic artdelacroixgoyafuseliturnerconstablemuseumgalleryexhibitiontatesongs of innocencesongs of experienceseveral circlesred dragonmysticismmagickoccultreligionchristianitybibledantedivine comedygothicthe tygerenglishenglish literatureenglish poetry18th century19th century