Nick Haines, Lisa Rodriguez, Kevin Collison, Eric Wesson and Dave Helling discuss the latest details on possible new stadium sites and the list of lingering questions, the future of the Charles B. Wheeler Airport amid concerns it is impeding development, the ongoing debate over a new jail in Jackson County, Independence's four-day school week, school disruptions due to heat and Kansas toll roads.
Kansas City PBS - KCPT, Kansas City
Kansas City Week in Review - August 25, 2023
Kansas City PBSKansas CityKCPTKansas City NewsPublic TelevisionMissouriKansasNick HainesLisa RodriguezKevin CollisonEric WessonDave HellingKansas City RoyalsKauffman StadiumEast VillageNorth Kansas CityDowntown stadiumTaxesCharles B. Wheeler AirportDowntown AirportEconomic DevelopmentFAAJackson County JailIndependence School DistrictFour Day School WeekHeat DomeACSchool InfrastructureToll RoadsLawsuitsTeach Retention