A collection of videos shot on the Madgaon-Mangalore stretch of the beautiful Konkan Railway, the engineering marvel of India's West Coast. Shot in March-end, the videos show the Mumbai-Mangalore Superfast travelling through the unforgiving countryside, appearing tame in the summer heat. In order of appearance, you can see the train crossing the Kali River at Karwar, then (probably) the Aghanashini River near Kumta and finally the longest bridge on Konkan Railway over the Sharavati River at Honnavar. A Kalyan WDG3A 'Shakti' was in charge of hauling duties that day and maintained a constant 100-105kph throughout the journey. Hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it.
High Speed Scenic Konkan Railway Journey Compilation
High-speed Rail (Transit Service Type)Train (Transit Vehicle Type)Rail Transport (Industry)Public Transport (Industry)Konkan Railway (Transit Line)Konkan (Indian Division)TrainsQualityStationIndia (Country)Train journeyMumbai Mangalore SuperfastKonkan Railwayscenerylandscapehigh speed trainRailroadfast traindangerouswestern ghatskarnatakabridgeSharavatiKaliAghanashinitraveltravel and livingepic journeyAdventureNatureSummerWDG3AShakti