"An Adventure in Space and Time" takes you back to where the journey began. Experience the untold story behind the creation of Doctor Who, the iconic British sci-fi series that became a global phenomenon. This captivating docudrama explores the vision of producer Verity Lambert, the struggles of William Hartnell, and the groundbreaking moment that brought the Doctor to life. A heartfelt tribute to the legacy of the show and its enduring impact on television history.
Actors and Their Roles:
David Bradley as William Hartnell (the first actor to play the Doctor).
Jessica Raine as Verity Lambert (the first producer of Doctor Who).
Brian Cox as Sydney Newman (the Head of Drama at the BBC and creator of Doctor Who).
Sacha Dhawan as Waris Hussein (the director of the very first Doctor Who serial).
Lesley Manville as Heather Hartnell (William Hartnell’s supportive wife).
Claudia Grant as Carole Ann Ford (the actress who portrayed Susan Foreman, the Doctor's granddaughter).
Jamie Glover as William Russell (the actor who played Ian Chesterton, one of the first companions).
Jemma Powell as Jacqueline Hill (the actress who played Barbara Wright, another original companion).
Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Daleks (reprising his role as the iconic Dalek voice from modern Doctor Who).
This beautiful dramatization not only celebrates Doctor Who but also the creative visionaries who dared to dream it into reality.
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Doctor Who Movie : An Adventure in Space and Time
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