New series from the Game of Thrones universe has been confirmed! In the past few hours, multiple internet portals have announced surprising news. One of the series that had been shelved by HBO, has apparently gotten the green light to shoot its pilot, and has been announced by the creator of this universe, George Martin himself. In this video, we'll be talking about all the exciting news.
New Game of Thrones Series NYMERIA! EXPLAINED! HUGE NEWS!
House TargaryenHouse StarkHouse LannisterWhite WalkersKing's LandingWinterfellRhaenyra TargaryenOtto HightowerDance of the DragonsSeven KingdomsGame of Thrones universenew seriesHBOGeorge R.R. Martinseries announcementpilot episodeconfirmed seriesnew Game of Thrones showfantasy TVWesterosIron ThroneTargaryen dynastyupcoming seriesTV adaptationGeorge Martin announcementHBO seriesnew pilotGame of Thrones creator