This is 4 wheel drive omni wheel mobile robot kit.It includes microcontroller, IO expansion, DC motor with encoder and by varying the speed and direction of each wheel it can move in any direction without turning its orientation.It is a learning kit for you to learn and enjoy the fun of omni direction moving.
PS2 remote-controlled 4WD Omni Robot
4wd omniomni wheelrobot omniomni robotencoder3wd omni robotomni drive4 wheel drive3 wheel driveomnimutilcation directionarduinobanh xe omnibanh xe da huongmutilcation direction wheelwheelxe da huongrobot da huongrobot chinarobot viet namroboconrobocon 2019ABU roboconrobocon 2018robocon Lac hongrobocon duy tanps2 controllerrobotđa hướngrobot đa hướngbánh xe đa hướngbánh xe omnirobocon lạc hồng