Infants in medieval art all have one thing in common: They don't look like babies. Instead, they resemble miniature versions of middle-aged men, sometimes complete with receding hairlines and ripped muscles. Depictions of weird, prematurely aged babies appeared throughout the medieval era and into the Renaissance when the trend (thankfully) started to fade away. The Renaissance, in particular, may have spawned some of the best paintings of all time, but what's up with all those ugly babies in old paintings?
#MedievalPaintings #ArtHistory #WeirdHistory
Why Do Babies In Medieval Art Look Like Creepy Adults?
Infants In Medieval PaintingsMedieval ArtWhy Do Infants in Medieval Art look creepybabies look like adults in medieval artweird HistoryWeird History medieval arthomonculusbaby jesusInfants depicted as adultsmature physical traitschildren in Medieval eraPreformationismMedieval Europemedieval era life expectancynon-religious artrenaissance artart historyrealismfigurative paintingDrunk HistoryToday I LearnedAlternate History HubHistoryart