Deep breathing in Easy Pose (Sukhasana) - Don’t let the name fool you. If you’re used to sitting in chairs, Easy Pose or Sukhasana can be quite challenging.
Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) - This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs.
Cow pose
Child’s pose (Balasana) is a restful pose that can be sequenced between more challenging asanas.
Mountain pose
Forward fold (Uttanasana) will wake up your hamstrings and soothe your mind.
Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana) - Find length in front body before forward folding.
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana) - Learn four-limbed staff pose because it is frequently practiced as part of the traditional Sun Salutation sequence.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) - Open the heart and roll the shoulders down to promote flexibility in Cobra Pose.
Downward dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - Deservedly one of yoga’s most widely recognized yoga poses, Adho Mukha Svanasana, offer the ultimate all-over, rejuvenating stretch.
Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) - Upward-Facing Dog will challenge you to lift and open your chest.
Downward Dog Splits
Bend leg for stretch
High Lunge - Counteract the effects of Modern-Day Sitting Syndrome by lengthening your hip flexors in High Lunge.
High Lunge, Crescent Variation - This variation of High Lunge, sometimes called Crescent Pose, is a great preparation for the full version of Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose).
Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I) - Learn the basics of this foundational yoga pose, Virabhadrasana I.
Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) - Named for a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, this version of Warrior Pose increases stamina.
Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) - Find length in your side body, from your heel to your fingertips with Extended Side Angle Pose.
Reverse Warrior
Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) - Extended Triangle Pose is the quintessential standing pose in many styles of yoga.
Reverse triangle pose
Knee to right arm and back up, then center, then left arm
Chair Pose (Utkatasana) - Chair Pose clearly works the muscles of the arms and legs, but it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart.
Heart-center twist on both sides
Half boat pose
Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana) - An ab and deep hip flexor strengthener, Paripurna Navasana requires you to balance on the tripod of your sitting bones and tailbone.
Extended leg twists while lying down
Plank Pose - Nurture your love-hate relationship with Plank Pose. A beginner’s best friend, it’s the perfect precursor to more challenging arm balances.
Dolphin Plank Pose - A modification of Plank Pose, Dolphin Plank Pose strengthens and tones the core, thighs, and arms.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) - Bend back into the shape of a bow to feel energetically locked, loaded, and ready to take aim.
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) - A powerful arm and wrist strengthener, Side Plank takes its two-armed sibling to the next level, as an arm balance.
Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana) with Arm stretch - A cross between Child’s Pose and Downward Facing Dog, Extended Puppy Pose lengthens the spine and calms the mind.
Supported Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) - Standing on your head in proper alignment not only strengthens the whole body but calms the brain.
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) - Half Lord of the Fishes pose energizes the spine and stimulates the digestive fire.
Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) - One of the best hip openers around, Bound Angle Pose counteracts chair- and cardio-crunched hips.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) - Fold into Paschimottanasana to help a distracted mind—and your hamstrings—unwind.
Corpse Pose (Savasana) - Savasana is a pose of total relaxation—making it one of the most challenging.
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