TUGS: Tales from Sodor is a computer-animated series created by Cam Jones & Aaron Thiel. It is reuploaded with permission from its original creator's channel.
Episode 2: Sea Grave - Written & Directed by Cam Jones
When heavy winter fogs roll in, Dixon encounters a ghostly tug on the waves. Wilbur suspects it's the returning specter of the long-sunk river-tug Angelina, though Gaz remains skeptical.
Is there a ghost rising from its sea grave? Or is there a truth to be found somewhere in Brendam?
Based on TUGS by David Mitton and Robert D. Cardona.
TUGS Opening Theme composed by Mike O'Donnell & Junior Campbell
Covered by Tyrone Fernandez
Wilbur: Matt Cooper (Still me!)
Gaz : Ciremi
Top Hat: TardisRescue
Dixon: 10LEIGH10
Hayley: Mary Medley
Captain Edson: Chris
Mr. Jones: Neb
Tyrone Fernandez (Sudrian Afro)
Ben Stack
Hans Zimmer
Brian Tyler
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