An Integrated Approach to Bridging Participatory Research with Participatory Programme Design: Good Practices and Case Studies of Ukraine, Rwanda, and Cyprus
Research and program/intervention design methodologies should combine participatory research processes and advanced data analysis to identify the pathways that can foster cohesion, resilience, and peaceful social change, and utilize robust collaborative decision-making processes to digest and translate that evidence into effective and localized interventions. This session will explore an integrated process that can produce better evidence and more precise and validated theories of change to improve the likelihood of impact for peace and development actors. Using the SCORE and SDDP methodologies, we propose a four staged approach that uphold four key principles, and illustrate them empirically with case studies, including Ukraine, Rwanda, and Cyprus.
Alexander Guest
Alexander Guest has turned his attention to quantitative research after working in astronomy. His past work includes analysis of observational data from the CHANDRA X-ray space telescope and of textual data from newspaper articles about the Syrian refugee crisis, which strove to introduce quantitative methods to humanities. Alex’s dexterity and intrinsic talent in population research design led to key innovations at SeeD, where he improved and at times automated methodological approaches and analytical processes. His thematic specialisation had been focused on the social cohesion and constructive citizenship frameworks. Alex, who joined SeeD in 2018 as a Data Analyst, is currently the Head of Research.
Dr. Ilke Dagli-Husting
Dr. Ilke Dagli-Hustings, has a PhD on Security, Identity and Peacebuilding, and worked as a consultant and facilitator implementing successful peacebuilding programmes for over 15 years. İlke, who used to teach World Politics and Principles of International Business at Warwick and Exeter Universities between 2013-2016, joined SeeD as a Senior Security Researcher supporting the Cyprus peace negotiations and Track 1 towards a shared understanding on endogenous resilience and transitionary security arrangements. As SeeD’s Head of Programmes and Field Operations Ilke oversaw the global research efforts and R&D work on constructive citizenship and economic resilience for 6 years. She helped expand SeeD’s work to Eastern Europe and West Africa. She currently serves as Director General.
Dr. Yiannis Laouris
Dr. Yiannis Laouris, is a neurophysiologist and systems scientist trained in Germany and the US. He became known for his socially responsible scientific contributions in the fields of peace and development through the application of modern technology and Dialogic Design Science. Laouris currently serves as CEO of Future Worlds Center, Head of the New Media Lab and the Futures Design Unit. Laouris's most recent contributions are in Reinventing Democracy. He led 16 SSDPs aimed to support global youth to identify shortcomings of current systems of governance and propose innovative concrete actions towards reinventing democracy in the digital era.
Jerrad Langlois
Jerrad Langlois is currently the Senior Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) at DT Global, where he oversees a team of MERL experts focusing on projects DT Global is implementing for USAID, FCDO, GiZ, German FFO, and MINUSMA, and country-wide, regional, and global evaluations for WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR, and UNFPA in the technical practice areas of Economic Growth, Infrastructure, WASH, Conflict Prevention Stabilization, and Transition, and Climate Adaptation. He holds three master’s degrees in language policy, international education and comparative curriculum, management and leadership, and two post-graduate diplomas. Jerad’s contextual experience includes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Macedonia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Libya, Mali, Mozambique, Coastal West Africa, DRC, and Malaysia. His technical specialization includes Complexity Awareness Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (CAMEL) approaches and Outcome Harvesting.
Romina Laouri-Faulb
Romina Laouri-Faulb has an MA in International Relations. She is a Social Innovation Consultant, Entrepreneur, Facilitator. She boasts multi-faceted 10 year experience in building and implementing strong visions as well as extensive experience in the social entrepreneurship and innovation sector. She supports the development and implementation of innovative programs, leading them through periods of substantial growth and transition underpinned by her deep knowledge of social innovation ecosystem.
On May 3-5, 2023, the Alliance for Peacebuilding held its 11th annual conference, PeaceCon 2023: Beyond Fragile Ground: New Peacebuilding Architectures for Today and the Future.
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