From the Bel Canto Opera production, Nemorino, desperate for 7 lire to buy a bottle of Dulcamara's elixir, is offered that amount by Sgt. Belcore to enlist in the Austrian Army. He reluctantly agrees.
NEMORINO: There's my rival. I'll pull my head to bits with my own hands.
BELCORE: You there, Chucklehead, what's your problem?
NEMORINO: My problem is y-y-y- I haven't any money. I need seven lire and I don't know where to get it.
BELCORE: That's not worth bashing your brains out, Sonny. I can tell you how to get seven lire like that
NEMORINO; You can? Like that? But how?
BELCORE: You're young and able ...well, young. Enlist in the Imperial army, and take the King-Emperor's Schilling, which is worth seven point two Italian lire.
Problem solved.
NEMORINO: Seven lire
BELCORE: It's yours for signing up
NEMORINO: When? How quickly?
BELCORE: As soon as you agree
NEMORINO: Dare I do it?
BELCORE: You'll have the money plus the Regimental glory
NEMORINO: Ah... but then...I'd be a soldier! That's not what I had in mind
BELCORE: If it's ladies, that you are seeking,every lady loves a soldier, you will find,
Yes, join the army and have your pick of girls of every kind.
NEMORINO: Ah no, ah no, ah! I must think this through; first, the dangers
I find warfare terrifying.
Facing cannon fire, and shooting strangers
Bombs and bloodshed, the wounded and dying
BELCORE: I've got the money!
NEMORINO: Yet I know although it's painful
It's the only tack that's gainful
If I hope to win Adina. Ah, how I hope to win Adina's heart
BELCORE: When we're marching to the drumming
and the snares go rat-tat-tattle
Lots of good time girls are coming
With their perfume and their prattle
To attend us during battle.
Yes, a soldiers life's fulfilling
Making love and war is thrilling
Drinking, marching, fighting, killing
Doing what you're told to do.
It's the perfect life for you
NEMORINO: Ah, anyone who is wooing Adina...
...runs the foolhardy, unwary risk he might lose life or limb
BELCORE: So believe me, you'd be barmy
Not to sign up for the army
Surely, in a year or two
We will make a man of you
NEMORINO: Any suitor who worships Adina
Must risk his life for her. Seven lire?
BELCORE: That's the offer
NEMORINO: Well then...that's fine! Hand it over.
BELCORE: First the papers for enlistment...then the money, when you sign.
Here -- write your name there.
NEMORINO: (aside) Dulcamara! Dulcamara!
I have the means. Now all I need is you!
BELCORE: I commend you, Nemorino,
We are comrades, take my hand now.
Let us share a glass of vino.
You are under my command now.
You might one day rise to corporal
If you keep in line and do as you are told. Yes!
(ASIDE) What a boon to my position
To recruit my competition
Once my rival was enrolled
My revenge was served up cold!
As a military tactician
In this battle of attrition
The attack has gone to plan
And thereby landing an outstanding Coup de main!
NEMORINO: Ah, you'll never know the full extent of desperation
which has plagued me so and only meant humiliation
Love has undone me. And Satan has won me.
Forced my heart to beg in hellish degradation
BELCORE: Come on Sunshine, what's it to you?
When you're a soldier, love's a different scene
Loads of popsies will pursue you
Then you'll see just what a ninny you've been.
Once my rival was enrolled
My revenge was served up cold!
NEMORINO: You know nothing! You'll lire
wins a treasure dearer than a pot of gold.
Words © Tom Boyd
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