Set in a small Scottish seaside town in 1967, Edward Boyd's six-part serial thriller 'The Candle of Darkness' follows Steve Gardiner, a hip Londoner and Korean War veteran. Steve arrives in town amid a series of murders by a killer known as ‘The Kind Man’. The locals, gripped by fear, respond with hostility, even nearly lynching Steve upon his arrival.
Part 1: The Kind Man
Part 2: The Voice
Part 3: The Ally
Part 4: The Latest Victim
Part 5: The Angry Mob
Part 6: Who is That Kind Man?
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Seeking his old friend Jimmy Morton, Steve finds Jimmy and his father Wilfred behaving oddly. Tensions rise when Steve hears a poet’s ghostly voice, a voice Jimmy also claims to hear, identifying it as Francis Lennox, his friend from a Korean POW camp. Steve must unravel the disturbing connections between the wartime past and the present murders, racing against time to end the killer's reign of terror. The tension and psychological depth make it a gripping narrative about trauma, guilt, and the quest for truth.
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