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A quick internet search will lead to a list of research-based attributes a principal should hold and practices a principal should carry out that have proven to elicit a healthy school culture and high levels of student achievement. In fact, most school administrators can quickly recite the list. Yet, the process of living out the attributes and implementing the practices is complex and unique to each principal and each school. An imperative early step in the implementation process is for a school leader to gain self awareness in order to clearly identify a starting point as well as know when to lead and when to learn throughout the implementation journey. Principals with self awareness serve as models in schools with learning cultures. This presentation highlights the importance of self awareness and provide multiple strategies that can be used to increase self awareness.
In schools’ high stakes culture, principals often succumb to pressure to operate as though they are all-knowing, all the time. Any other mode of operation would seem risky and vulnerable. Conversely, research shows that schools benefit from leaders who acknowledge the need to grow. MESPA members seek leadership practices that will reduce their stress while increasing school effectiveness. This presentation will do just that.
Tracy Reimer, Associal Professor & Leadership in K-12 Administration, Bethel University, MN
MESPA Speaks
2016 MESPA Institute
Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association
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