#DeanPark #modelrailway #CaptTomMoore A specialnew addition to the fleet and some MAJOR changes at Dean Park model railway. Check out the Chapters listed below. I decided to rip up an area of track to make improvements before the area is scenically designed. Music part of the British Rail Transport films. There are Plenty of Hornby Intercity 125 action as well as other rail transport on the layout. If you enjoy Rail transport modelling you'll like this! Check out the links below for some great products, as used at Dean Park.
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0:00 Intro
1:35 Captain Tom Moore
6:30 Major Track Alterations / Laying Flexitrack
12:35 Track Wiring and rebuilding track
26:30 Other Updates
Model Railway | April 2021 Layout Update | Dean Park 275
dean parkdean park stationdaveclass47everard junctionmodel railwaylaying trackflexitrackpecoflexible trackelectrofrogoo gaugecode 100peco point motorscapt tom mooreclass 66pride of britainbachmannhornbyhow to build a model railwaytrainstrain setsams trainswiring trackmodel buildingbuilding a model railwaylayout updateModel Railway | April 2021 Layout Update | Dean Park 275layout buildingmodern imagesir captain tom moore