In this video we'll look at the Option Menu for CustomTkinter and Python!
The Option Menu is almost identical to the ComboBox widget.
There are just a couple of very subtle differences and we'll discuss them in this video.
I'll also show you how to style the Option Menu in this video.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
2:04 - Create List Of Options
2:18 - Create Option Menu
3:19 - Clickable Option Menu
4:57 - Select Menu Item Using Button
7:13 - Set Menu Programatically
8:39 - Change To ComboBox
10:00 - OptionMenu Height, Width, Fotn
10:20 - FG Color
11:00 - DropDown Font
11:11 - Corner Radius
11:26 - Button Color
11:33 - Button Hover Color
11:45 - DropDown Hover Color
11:55 - DropDown FG Color
12:10 - DropDown Text Color
12:17 - Text Color
12:32 - Hover
12:46 - Anchor
13:14 - State
13:20 - Disabled Text Color
13:40 - Dynamic Resizing
14:19 - Conclusion
Option Menu - Tkinter CustomTkinter 18
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