Study Guide Questions:
1. What puzzle does religious diversity pose for monotheism?
2. What is Greer's argument for polytheism?
3. How does Greer support the premise of his argument, which concerns monotheism?
4. What are two varieties of exclusive monotheism, and what might be wrong with them?
5. What is inclusive monotheism, and what might be wrong with it?
The Logic of Polytheism
PhilosophyAnalytic philosophyTheologyPhilosophy of religionPhilosophy of theologyphilosophical theologymonotheismpolytheismreligious diversityreligious experiencereligious evidencetheismatheismreligiongodsthe godsDr. Bowers' Office HoursDr. Bowers Office HoursDr Bowers' Office HoursDr Bowers Office Hoursmetaphysicsontology