The SpaDeX mission is a technology demonstrator aimed at showcasing in-space docking with two small spacecraft. This capability is crucial for India's ambitious future space projects, including the construction and operation of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS), lunar missions like Chandrayaan-4, and sample return missions from the Moon. With this mission, India is poised to join the elite group of nations with space docking technology, marking a significant milestone in the nation's space exploration journey.
Mission Objectives and Concept
The primary goal of the SpaDeX mission is to develop and demonstrate the technology for the rendezvous, docking, and undocking of two small spacecraft: SDX01 (Chaser) and SDX02 (Target). These spacecraft will be launched into a 470 km low-Earth orbit at a 55° inclination, where they will demonstrate the ability to dock autonomously.
#SpaceDocking #ISROInnovation #SpaDeXMission #BharatiyaAntarikshStation
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