Lost and alone in a forgotten city, a stray cat embarks on a thrilling adventure to find its way home. Armed with nothing but curiosity and feline instincts, our whiskered hero uncovers a world inhabited by robots, mysterious creatures, and a hidden truth about humanity's demise. With the help of a trusty drone companion, they navigate treacherous slums, ancient ruins, and perilous heights, forming unlikely bonds and unravelling the secrets of this decaying metropolis. Can this intrepid cat escape the city and find the light of day?
00:00 - Intro
00:47 - Backstory
02:39 - Inside The Wall
04:19 - Dead City
05:47 - The Flat
07:10 - The Slums
08:21 - Rooftops
09:27 - The Slums - Part 2
11:18 - Dead End
12:34 - The Sewers
16:18 - Ant Village
18:22 - Jail
20:53 - Control Room
27:00 - Gameplay
30:16 - Outro
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cat,cat game,stray,video game,video games,video gaming,review,game review,human extinction,plague,robots,infection,xbox,playstation,pc,quarantine,blue twelve,Annapurna Interactive,BlueTwelve Studio,HK_Project,post apocalyptic world,cyberpunk,cyberpunk world,cute,cuteness
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