Pretty easy challange, Went smooth, Base by Shinos909
Base Kyle, Hunters instinct, Power base Kyle, Mega base Kyle, Dire, Crossbones Barret, Stoneheat Farrah
Weapons used
Potshot CD,reload, Nature, CR, damage to mist standing still
Potshot CD,reload, Water, CR, damage to mist standing still
Xenon bow Energy, Reload, FR, CD, CC affliction
Blundlesbuss CD, Reload, Energy, CD, CD, 5 shots in a how causes explosion (all my defenders have crit rating, swap a CD to CR if not)
Blundlesbuss CD, Reload, Nature, CD, CD, 5 shots in a how causes explosion
Baron Attack speed, Armor, Nature, Armor, Movement speed
Traps used
Gas Physical, CR, CD, Damage, CD, Effect duration
Tar pit Dura, dura, dura, dura, dura
Wall spikes, CR,CD,CR,CD heals attached
Sound wall, Dura, reload, dura, reload, dura, heals attached
Wall lights Impact, reload, impact, reload, impact effect duration
Wall darts, CR,CD,damage,CD, Heals attached
Broudsides CR,CD,Damage,reload, dura
Floor freeze, Impact, reload, Impact, reload, dura, effect duration
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