Barley! It's an ancient grain that makes for a popular drink in Asian countries such as China, Japan, and Korea. In this video we are diving into roasted barley tea. I will discuss barley tea origins, how to make it, what it tastes like, and what health benefits/dangers this tea poses. Explore barley tea with me as I try it for the first time EVA
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Wanna skip ahead?
0:00 Intro
1:18 About Barley Tea
2:03 Close-up View
3:00 Brewing/Health Benefits
4:00 What's a Tisane?
4:32 Taste Test
Barley tea: How to make it and what it tastes like
barley tea how to maketealoose leaftaste testbrewsteeptea bagbarley kernelbarley tea bagbarley loosebarley health benefitsbarley drinkbarley tasteasian drinkborichamugichahow to make japanese barley teatisanecaffeine free teabarley seedroasted barley teakorean drinkjapanese drinkchinese drinkchaherbal teafrench pressbarley teakorean teatea (beverage type)how to make barley teabarley tea benefitsroasted barley