#kinetics #secondlaw #inertia #Newton
In this chapter we will use two new concepts, force and mass, to analyze the principles of dynamics--Newton’s laws of motion. The first law states that when the net force on a body is zero, its motion doesn’t change. The second law relates force to acceleration when the net force is not zero. The third law is a relationship between the forces that two interacting bodies exert on each other. Also, we included the law of gravitational attraction, inertial frame of references, equation of motion for a system of particles, equation of motion for rectangular coordinates, and friction forces.
Week 7.1. Kinetics of a Particle: Newton's Second Law
kineticssecondlawnewtoninertiaforcemassdynamicsgravitational attractioninertial frameinertial reference framereference frameequation of motionrectangular coordinatesfriction forceskinetic frictionstatic frictionsystem of particlesinternal forcesweightuniversal constantfreebodydiagramkineticdiagramtranslationrotationfixed inertial frameclassical mechanicsexperimental evidencevector sumfrictional equationnormal forcerough surface