Embark on a heartwarming journey as we follow the incredible progress of a 7-year-old diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy from Nigeria. Through the transformative power of cell therapy, witness the remarkable improvement as this young individual gains the ability to hold the swing and stand tall. Join us in this captivating comparison video as we celebrate the triumph of determination and innovative treatments that have changed a life forever.
#cerebralpalsy #regenarativemedicinetreatment#nigeria
Quick Look NG No. 12361
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NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute (Neurogen BSI) provides #physiotherapy #occupationaltherapy #aba #appliedbehavioranalysis #sensoryintegrationtherapy #speechtherapy #specialeducation #psychologicalcounselling #aquatictherapy #regenarativemedicinetreatment #celltherapytreatment #celluartherapy etc
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