شرح ICT الصف الأول الأعدادي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الأول
شرح تكنولوجيا المعلومات لغات االأول الأعدادي - ترم أول
لتحميل ملف الشرح :- موجود بالتعليقات
the final Exam - prep 1- ICT| المهم في امتحان النظري الوزاري لمنهج الصف الأول الأعدادي
the final revision
In This Lesson :
Forms and Queries
First Forms object in access database Form
Form is a database object that you can be used to create a user
interface for a database application, it enables the user to
interact with stored data as follow
1- Enter new record
2- Delete existing record
3- Edit existing record
Creating form from the current table (student score)
1- Select student
score tableunder
the navigation
MR-Khaled Samy Lesson 9
Forms and Queries
2- Click on
create tab option
3- Click on form
4- Access can
create student
score form that
can display each
student record
Notes :- from
custom navigation
button you can go
First record
Last record
Next record
Previous record
* Second query object in access database:-
Query definition:-
Query is a request to retrieve or manipulate data stored within a database.
Queries allow
Users to ask specific questions or perform actions such as inserting,
updating, or deleting data.
MR-Khaled Samy Lesson 9
Forms and Queries
Query examples:-
1- Creating a query to display records of some student
2- Creating a query to display the scores of student whose degrees more
than 18 in English
* Steps of creating a query by using (query design) way
1- Click on create tab option
2- Select query design
3- The following screen
4- select student score
5- click on add button
MR-Khaled Samy Lesson 9
Forms and Queries
6- design view query appears
this window is divided into
two parts
the upper part :- this part
includes the data table
the lower part :- this part
includes the query design grid
How to add fields from contacts data table to the query design grid
1- From the previous window double click on the
fields(last name, city and country region)
2- These fields automatically appear inside the grid
Note: - you can add the previous above fields into the grid by dragging the
specifiedfiled into specified place in grid window
How to implement the query
1- Click on design tab
2- Click on run buttonfrom result group
MR-Khaled Samy Lesson 9
Forms and Queries
How to hide a field or group of fields
1- Go to the lower part of the grid
2- Activate the small rectangles beside show option
How to criteria to a query
1- Open student score query in design view
2- Go to the lower part of the window ( the query grid )
3- Beside the criteria option , type the following criteria under student name field
( = “amroo ali”)
5- Run the query you find only “amroo ali” record is displayed
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