In this coding challenge, I make a "Wikipedia web crawler" in JavaScript. It randomly crawls from topic to topic on Wikipedia using the API and the p5.js library. Code: [ Ссылка ]
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🚂 #84 Word Definition Chrome Extension: [ Ссылка ]
0:00 Introducing today's topic: a Wikipedia web crawler
1:17 Add an input box to the html
2:48 Handle the user input event
4:45 The Wikipedia search URL
6:45 Use loadJSON to request a page
9:52 Pick a random article title
11:36 Use a regular expression to replace the white space
12:28 Retrieve the content using the content URL
14:58 Look at the json file with the Chrome extension Json formatter
16:37 Use the key to get the page Id
19:53 Use a regular expression to get the words on a page
21:55 Use a random word to crawl a bunch of random articles
22:55 Add an exit condition
24:12 Conclusion
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Music from Epidemic Sound
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#webcrawler #wikipediaapi #regularexpressions #loadjson #javascript #p5js
Coding Challenge #75: Wikipedia API
JavaScript (Programming Language)liveprogrammingdaniel shiffmancreative codingcoding challengetutorialcodingchallengescoding trainthe coding trainlive streamitp nyuchallengejavascriptp5.jsp5.js tutorialprogramming challengewikipediawikipedia crawlerwikipedia web crawlerweb crawlerwikipedia apiwiki apiregular expressionsjsonload jsonapijsp5jstutorialsrest apiwikiasynchronous requestsnetwork requestsrestful api