This re-enacted training video shows an unconscious patient. The Primary Survey (DRABC), followed by The Recovery Position, are the first aid actions demonstrated in this video.
Key points:
The Recovery Position is only performed if the patient has an airway problem.
Always try and roll the patient so that the left side of the body is on the ground, so start by kneeling on their left side.
It is ESSENTIAL that a heavily pregnant woman is rolled so that her left side is down on the ground.
The maximum amount of time allowed on one side is 30 minutes. Inform 999 if you are approaching this time limit and follow their guidance.
Once the person is in the recovery position, make sure the head is tilted back, and that the mouth is lower than their throat, so that fluids can drain away.
It is ESSENTIAL that you continue to monitor the breathing of your patient who has been put into the recovery position. This might be easiest by putting a hand on their tummy and feeling for a regular rise and fall.