Bunching is a crucial step in the cigar rolling process, where the cigar maker takes a specific number of filler leaves and rolls them together to form the cigar's core or bunch. In the cigar rolling process, the filler leaves are typically categorized into three types, based on their position on the tobacco plant: seco, volado, and ligero. The seco leaves are located in the middle of the plant and are milder in flavor and aroma compared to the other two types. Lijero leaves are located at the top of the plant and are the strongest and most potent of the three. Volado leaves, located at the bottom of the plant, are more neutral in flavor and aroma.
The cigar roller typically uses a combination of these three types of leaves to create the desired flavor and strength of the cigar.
During the bunching process, the cigar roller selects a specific number of filler leaves and arranges them in a specific order to ensure the cigar's proper draw and burn. The seco leaves are usually placed at the center of the bunch, surrounded by volado leaves and topped off with one or two ligero leaves. This arrangement creates a balanced flavor profile and ensures that the cigar burns evenly.
The seco leaves play a critical role in the bunching process because of their unique characteristics. Their mild flavor and aroma make them perfect for filling the center of the cigar, where they can contribute to the cigar's balance and smoothness.
The lijero leaves are much thicker and more challenging to work with, making them more suitable for the outer layers of the cigar. Their strong and potent flavor provides the cigar with its signature boldness and strength, while their thick texture ensures that the cigar burns slowly and evenly.
Visit Bobalu.com or visit our store at 8501 Burnet in Austin to try one of our cigar products for yourself. Ships across the US and free shipping on orders over $100.
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