Dr. Frank Mitloehner (@GHGGuru) explains how the greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels differ from those produced by livestock. The Cows and Climate series aims to explain livestock’s role in the global food system and our environment, focusing on climate change, and promoting collaborative and research-based solutions that can further reduce emissions. Dr. Mitloehner’s participation in the Cows and Climate video series is a part of his research and extension activities at the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Cows vs Cars?
Climate changeCO2GHGGreenhouse GasClimate ScienceAtmosphereScienceCowsCarsFossil FuelsClimate StrategyClimate ActionClimate PolicyFood PolicyEnvironmental ImpactEnergy ImplactClean EnergyLivestock ImpactLivestockEnvironmental FootprintClimate FootprintHydroxyl OxidationMethane GasLivestock MethaneMethane EmissionsCarbon DioxideGHG GuruFrank MitloehnerClimateGlobal WarmingClimate Solutions