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00:00 - Good Voch
00:12 - Pictures/Emails
05:31 - Sponsors
07:11 - Bonus
10:02 - Amud Beis
17:26 - Amud Aleph
20:37 - Hadran
36:01 - Amud Beis
55:55 - Amud Aleph
56:39 - Have a Wonderful Week
Today's shiur is sponsored
Maseches Taanis is dedicated by the Kessler and Davis families
Refuah shleima for Miriam Esther bas devora
Chodesh Kislev is Sponsored by Yoeli
לע"נ דוב פנחס בן משה ע"ה
לע"נ רוחמה חיה פרומא בת דוב פנחס ע"ה
לע"נ יחיאל שרגא בן אברהם הלוי ע"ה
Chodesh Kislev is Sponsored by Reuven Klein
my mother Nechama bas Calev
the Hanas Bros.
In honor of The Hanasabzadeh, Krispin, Benazera Families, and Shlomo Lalezarian for inspiring us to join MDY
Dovy Reich
In commemoration of the first yahrtzeit (כד כסלו) of longtime Chicago Rabbinical Council & Beis Din of America av beis din (and Eli’s great-uncle) HaRav Gedalyah Dov ben HaRav Avraham Schwartz, ztz”l. Revered for his towering intellect and renowned for his middos of chesed, humility, shalom and achdus, Rabbi Schwartz was a distinguished rov and leader of American Jewry for over 60 years
Avraham Weinreb
Going to contact on a Dira in RBS ד
Turning of the daf sponsors
Sponsored by Adam Vales
in memory of my Mother, Gale F. Rothner
Avigayil Gittel bat Pesach v'Chava Rivkah
Anonymously: as a z'chus for shidduchim for my siblings and myself
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Have a Wonderful Day!
#Keep_on_Daffing #Taanis
Daf Yomi Taanis Daf 15 by R’ Eli Stefansky
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